Control prenatal pdf 2016 venezuela

Malaria rates have been increasing in venezuela since 2012 and have soared in the past several years. The diphtheria outbreak that began in venezuela in junejuly 2016 ew 26 is. Outbreaks of diphtheria, measles, and malaria have spread rapidly, affecting several states simultaneously. Latin american governments need to apply strong pressure on. This report includes an analysis of completed pregnancies which include live births and. Immunization program and prenatal care, among others 5. The socioeconomic crisis in venezuela continued to deteriorate throughout. In spite of significant progress towards malaria control and elimination achieved in south america in the 2000s, this mosquitotransmitted tropical disease remains an important public health concern in the region.

Dear figo member,next month figo joins advocates and world leaders at the united nations highlevel meeting on universal health. The bolivarian republic of venezuela, a federal state of over 30 million inhabitants, is dealing with a sociopolitical and economic situation that has had a negative impact on its social and health indicators. The economic crisis in venezuela has eroded the countrys healthcare infrastructure and threatened the public health of its people. Venezuelas humanitarian crisis is spilling across its borders, human rights watch said today. Rapid risk assessment zika virus disease epidemic, first update 21 january 2016 3 source and date of request ecdc internal decision on january 2016. Abortion in venezuela is currently illegal except in some specific cases outlined in the venezuelan constitution. Article pdf available february 2016 with 252 reads. Venezuelan migration and the border health crisis in. In may 2016, president maduro asked the supreme court to block a. The venezuelan ministry of health stopped releasing official data on maternal and child mortality in 2015. Aborto, control prenatal, edad gestacional abstract clinical and epidemiological aspects of abortion in a hospital of upata. Information resources upcoming events download the newsletter in pdf. In addition, the interruption of vectorcontrol activities and the propagation of illegal mining activities in venezuela, where standing water from mining operations promotes mosquito breeding daniels 2018. Other areas of public health concern are hiv, tuberculosis, increased maternal.

Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Control preconcepcional, prenatal y puerperal control preconcepcional, prenatal y puerperal 8 9 10. Shortages in medications, health supplies, interruptions of basic utilities at healthcare facilities, and the emigration of healthcare workers have led to a progressive decline in the operational capacity of health care. In collaboration with state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments, cdc established the u. This increase was especially significant considering that prenatal checkup coverage in lac rose from 72. Most malaria cases in south america come from amazon rain forest areas in northern countries, where more than half of malaria is caused by plasmodium vivax, while. Zika pregnancy registry uszpr in early 2016 to monitor pregnant women with laboratory evidence of possible recent zika virus infection and their infants. In early 2017, the health minister published data for 2016, which indicated that infant. Anexo 2 venezuela, diciembre,2009 pgina 6 detectar posibles alteraciones ginecolgicas. In january 2016, the executive issued the decree of state of economic. Public health issue this document assesses the risks associated with the evolving zika virus epidemic currently affecting some countries.

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